

Call 609-777-1777 for your account information

Click Here For NJ State Division Of Pensions

The Division of Pensions and Benefits is pleased to provide a new way for retired members to hear information about pension and health benefits - the Benefits Information Library (BIL). BIL is an information service available to all members who have a touch tone telephone and a catalogue of information sections (see next page). BIL is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week - and it is easy to use. Just follow the instructions below:

  1. Dial (609) 777-1931 on your touch tone telephone.
  2. You will hear a short introduction. When asked, enter the 3-digit number of the selection you wish to hear.
  3. Based on the information you chose, you may have the opportunity to order a form or a fact sheet about your subject. You will always have the chance to return to the beginning of the system and choose another selection as well.

Here's a sample call for you to try. Most retirees are very interested in the schedule for mailing retirement checks. You can review the schedule at any time using BIL. Here's what to do -

  1. Dial (609) 777-1931 on your touch tone telephone.
  2. You will hear a short introduction. When asked, enter 102 (the selection number for Retirement Check Mailing Dates).
  3. Listen to the schedule recorded by one of our Client Services counselors.
  4. When you are finished, you can hang up or hold to return to the beginning of the system to make another selection.

The part of BIL the Division is happy about is that you will not be put on hold or frustrated by busy signals just to obtain simple information such as check mailing dates. You can call anytime, any day. Our Client Services counselors are still available Monday through Friday, 9 AM to 4 PM (except State holidays) for more complex questions or problems. But BIL is always there for those simple questions whose answers are so very important to you.


Hours of Operation
Directions from South Jersey (order a map and directions after the recording)
Directions from North Jersey (order a map and directions after the recording)
Directions from Shore (order a map and directions after the recording)
Directions from Northwest Jersey (order a map and directions after the recording)
Holiday Closings


Cost of Living Adjustment (order a COLA Fact Sheet after the recording)
Employment After Retirement (order a Fact Sheet after the recording)
Retirement Check Mailing Dates
Understanding Your Check Stub
Direct Deposit of Retirement Checks (order an EFT form after the recording)
Change of Address
Lost, Stolen or Uncashed Retirement Checks


Reporting a Death (order a Fact Sheet after the recording)
Death Benefits - PERS Amounts (order a Fact Sheet after the recording)
Death Benefits - TPAF Amounts (order a Fact Sheet after the recording)
Death Benefits - PFRS Amounts (order a Fact Sheet after the recording)
Changing Your Beneficiary PERS/TPAF (order a change of beneficiary form after the recording)
Changing Your Beneficiary PFRS (order a change of beneficiary form after the recording)
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