Overview of Process
The Intervention and Referral Services (I&RS) Team is a multidisciplinary school-based committee that guides educators' planning, delivering, and monitoring of interventions to assist students who are experiencing learning, behavioral and/or health difficulties. Each school within the district has their own unique team who coordinates a system for planning and delivering intervention and referral services designed to address individual students' needs. The ultimate goal of any intervention plan will be to enable students to develop the problem solving skills necessary to be successful in the general education classroom.
The I&RS Team is comprised of relevant specialists such as school counselor, principal, reading specialist, math coach, speech language specialist, etc. The school counselor is the coordinator for each case and facilitates the I&RS process. The team develops an I&RS Action Plan that identifies the problem, determines measurable objectives/goals, outlines strategies to be implemented, identifies data to be collected to measure success, and sets a future date to review the effectiveness and outcomes of the recommended interventions or modifications. The team continues to meet to discuss progress, specific concerns, the implementation of prior interventions or modifications, and ways to further assist the student in developing grade level competencies. Parent/guardian input is important in the process and encouraged at various points throughout the year.
The purpose of I&RS is to assist teachers with strategies for educating students who are at risk because of learning, behavioral, and/or health issues. After discussing the student's needs with the parent/guardian and trying different strategies in the classroom, the teacher consults with the school counselor to initiate a referral to the I&RS team. Additional parent communication occurs, along with various paperwork/documentation to assist the team with getting a complete picture of each student's current strengths and needs.
An initial I&RS meeting is then scheduled to occur to review student information and classroom performance. The I&RS team analyzes the data and makes recommendations regarding the initial level of intervention and develops an action plan.