Evesham Township School District
Kindergarten Registration
In order for a child to be eligible for kindergarten, he/she must be five years old on or before October 1st of the school year. Incoming kindergarten students are required to accompany the parent/guardian to registration for an informal screening, if registering during the spring window. Registration for the 2024-2025 school year opens in mid to late March. Click here for a resource with specific dates and times for the current year, by school. You and your child do not need a registration appointment if registering during this annual spring window, simply arrive at your designated date/time.
We encourage all incoming K families to start this process during the district's Kindergarten Registration spring window (see annual March dates above for your home school). If you are unable to attend at your school's designated date/time, one week is designated for make-up registrations annually in April by appointment. For the 2024-25 school year, make-ups will occur the week of April 8th. Please contact the school office where your child will be attending to set up a registration appointment if you are unable to make the initial date/time in the spring. If you are unsure of your child's home school, click here for a listing of developments and neighborhood schools.
If your child is currently attending the Evesham Township School District Preschool Program, you do not need to register via this process as you are already in our system. Any updated paperwork needed to transition to kindergarten is sent home directly each spring from Rice Elementary School and they forward all student information to your child's home school for the following school year.
All new families are asked to pre-register electronically using the following link: Evesham Township School District Open Registration. Be sure to select the 2024-2025 school year for enrollment. In addition to pre-registering, you will need to print out the following Kindergarten Registration Forms and bring these completed to your registration appointment, along with the following documentation:
- Proofs of Residence - Four (see approved proof of residency documentation below).
- Proof of the following immunizations, in accordance with New Jersey State Department of Health, signed by a physician:
- Diphtheria, Whooping Cough and Tetanus (D.P.T.) - total of four doses, one dose of which must have been given on or after child's fourth birthday; or any combination of five doses.
- Polio Vaccine - three doses, with third dose given on or after child's fourth birthday; or any combination of four doses.
- Measles, Mumps and Rubella (M.M.R.) - two doses, both immunizations must be after the first birthday.
- Hepatitis B - three doses, given at mandated intervals.
- Varicella - one dose on or after the first birthday or proof of disease immunity.
- A current completed physical, designated forms are included in the registration packet. Physicals are required for all children entering a New Jersey school for the first time. The exam must have been performed within 365 days of the first day of school for the child. Form should be taken to your physician and returned at the time of registration. If this is not possible, please have the scheduled date and time available when registering.
It is also recommended your child have a dental examination before entering school; therefore, have the designated form in the registration packet completed.
Student's original or certified copy of birth certificate (with parents' name).
Custody agreement, if applicable.
The registration packet includes the following forms:
- Registration Signature Form
- Health History and Questionnaire
- Physical Examination Form
- Dental Care Form (recommended but not required)
- Kindergarten Parent Questionnaire
All documentation must be provided at the time of registration, with the exception of the physical as that may be scheduled for a later date. A copy of your documents will be made and the originals returned to you. To expedite the registration process, please be sure to pre-register, print out, and complete all forms in advance of registration day. Completed forms should be brought with you to registration, where all information will be verified by school personnel. Click here for step by step directions on the registration process. If you do not have access to a computer, registration packets can also be picked up in the offices of the elementary schools after March 1st.
The following forms of documentation may demonstrate a student's eligibility for enrollment in the district. Particular documentation necessary to demonstrate eligibility under specific provisions in law is indicated below.
- Property tax bills, deeds, contracts of sale, leases, mortgages, signed letters from landlords and/or other evidence of property ownership, tenancy or residency.
- If the parent/guardian is not the owner/renter of residence, then an Application for Student Admission Domicile/Temporary Resident/Special Circumstances Affidavit must also be completed and is a mandatory part of the registration process.
- If it is determined the student's living situation falls under one of the homeless categories, then the McKinney-Vento Parent Enrollment Consultation Form must be completed. School personnel should refer to and follow established registration guidelines for economic hardship.
- Current voter registrations, licenses, permits, financial account information, utility bills, delivery receipts, and other evidence of personal attachment to a particular location.
- Court orders, state agency agreements and other evidence of court or agency placements or directives.
- Receipts, bills, cancelled checks and other evidence of expenditures demonstrating personal attachment to a particular location, or, where applicable, to support of the student.
- Medical reports, counselor or social worker assessments, employment documents, benefit statements and other evidence of circumstances demonstrating where applicable, family or economic hardship or temporary residency.
- Documents pertaining to military status and assignment.
- Any business record or document issued by a government entity.
- Any other form of documentation relevant to demonstrating entitlement to attend school.
The totality of information and documentation you offer will be considered in evaluating an application, and, unless expressly required by law, the student will not be denied enrollment based on your inability to provide certain form(s) of documentation where other acceptable evidence is presented.
You will not be asked for any information or document protected from disclosure by law, or pertaining to criteria which are not legitimate bases for determining eligibility to attend school. You may voluntarily disclose any documents or information you believe will help establish that the student meets the requirements of law for the entitlement to attend school in the district, but we may not, directly or indirectly, require or request:
Income tax returns.
Documentation or information relating to citizenship or immigration/visa status, unless the student holds or is applying for an F-1 Visa.
Documentation or information relating to compliance with local housing ordinances or conditions of tenancy.
Social Security numbers.