
The Referral Process

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How is a student referred for a  Child Study Team Evaluation?

Students between the ages of 3 and 21 suspected of having an educational disability may be referred to the Child Study Team for an evaluation by a variety of sources but generally they come from one of the following: 

1.  PARENTS:  
Parents may request a Child Study Team Evaluation by completing ETSD’s online referral form here. Support in submitting a referral can be found by contacting CST Secretary Ms. Anita DiPietro, [email protected] or by calling 856-983-1800, ext. 5071. 

2.  I&RS:  The Intervention and Referral Services team (I&RS) is a school-based, problem-solving group selected to assist staff members with intervention strategies for meeting the learning needs and interests of students. The I&RS team meets regularly to provide assistance when a child is having difficulties which are affecting his/her academic, social and/or emotional progress. Once recommendations have been implemented in the classroom and their effectiveness observed, the team may determine that additional information may be necessary or feels that a student may have a disability.
 Referrals from the I&RS team are sent by the school counselor.

ADMINISTRATORS or OUTSIDE AGENCIES:  The Principal, other building/district administrator or an individual from an outside agency (doctor, social worker etc.) may refer a student for a Child Study Team Evaluation by completing the online referral form here.

What is the procedure after the referral is made?

Once the referral has been received, the Case Manager has twenty (20) days to schedule an Initial Identification Meeting. The necessary participants required to attend this meeting include a social worker, psychologist, learning disabilities teacher consultant, classroom teacher, speech & language specialist (if the suspected disability included that area or the child was age 3-5) and certainly the parent.

Are students automatically tested if the request is made?

No. Once a request for a Child Study Team evaluation is made, an Identification Meeting must be scheduled. At that meeting, it is determined if a Child Study Team Evaluation is warranted and, if so, an Evaluation Plan is developed. 

What is the procedure if the student is going to be tested?

After the Evaluation Plan is developed, the parent/guardian must provide written consent. The district then has ninety (90) days to complete the necessary evaluations. Within the ninety (90) days, an Eligibility Conference is scheduled to interpret the evaluations and determine if the student is eligible for special education and/or related services.

If eligible, will he/she be in a special education class?

No! Before a student receives services, an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) must be developed. To the maximum extent that is appropriate, students are educated with their peers in the general education classroom. This is considered the least restrictive environment (LRE). Although this sounds like a place, where a child learns is only one part of the equation. LRE applies to a student's entire educational program, including services. The LRE for each child may look different because kids are unique.   

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