

The core belief and mission of the Buildings and Grounds Department is to provide a safe and clean environment where our students and staff can successfully learn and teach.

The Buildings and Grounds Department maintains 790,000 square feet of building space and 220 acres of grounds. In maintaining the districts property the department is involved in the following services: construction, renovation, maintenance, grounds, custodial, fire and security systems. In providing these services we comply with all the applicable codes pertaining to educational buildings such as: building, electrical, plumbing and fire codes, environmental areas such as indoor air quality, Integrated Pest Management, Hazards Communications, Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act, NJ Public Employees Occupational Safety and Health Act.

Facilities Manager
Tom Donahue, Ext. 5501


Debra Donaldson, Ext. 5501

Maintenance/Grounds Foreman
Brian Peterson, Ext. 5503

Custodial Foreman
Joe Idell, Ext. 5505

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