

The Evesham Township School District strives to create a successful learning environment for all of ours schools. The links in this section on the left menu may provide useful information for the parents or guardians in this district. In addition, click here for an at-a-glance view of our district or here for a full summary report.

ETSD values the home-school connection and encourages parents to partner in their child’s education. The district provides open communication and access to information in a variety of ways. SchoolMessenger and the Genesis Parent Portal are the main vehicles for electronic communication. All of the schools have active PTA/PTO groups that encourage membership to enhance parent involvement. 

The district also provides annual parent trainings/information nights.  A former featured presentation that we encourage parent to view as it strengthens home-school connections by promoting a common language and positive attitude toward learning, is Creating Growth Mindsets and Utilizing Positive LanguageClick here to view the presentation, and here for quick reference page on language. The district also coordinates state assessment parent information nights in the spring, as well as various math, literacy, and/or technology nights.

Language Arts (Literacy)

The Evesham Township School District uses a balanced literacy approach to instruction. In keeping with the New Jersey Student Learning Standards, our goal for literacy instruction is to develop a community of learners who value literacy and use it in their everyday lives for a variety of purposes. Therefore, we view providing instruction in essential literacy skills and exposing students to the many ways literacy enriches our lives, as an integral part of every student’s daily experience in our schools. The literacy time block is composed of five parts: Writer’s Workshop, Guided Reading, Core Literature, Reader’s Workshop and Word Study. 

A typical week in a literacy classroom might include: teachers modeling literacy behaviors as their student apprentices try new skills; students actively making choices about writing and reading topics, tasks and events; a high level of social interaction focused on decision-making and problem-solving, and a balance of opportunities for reading, writing, speaking, viewing and listening.

Student goals for language arts:

-Develop an intrinsic value for and competency with all aspects of literacy: reading, writing, word study, speaking and listening.
-Acquire the attitudes and habits of literate persons.
-Become strategic in the creation, analysis and interpretation of texts.
-Utilize a variety of literacy tools and technologies to extend understanding, gain new information and create original works.
-Collaborate with others in the construction of meaning. 

Each school typically holds an annual Literacy Night either attached to a fall or spring book fair or in conjunction with Read Across America events.

The mathematics curriculum incorporates developmentally appropriate, inquiry based instruction. Students explore the content areas of number and operations, measurement, geometry, algebra, data analysis and probability. Content is presented in various contexts within the enVisions or Math in Focus program to promote development of mathematical habits of mind including problem solving, making connections, communication, utilizing multiple representations, and integrating technology. Hands-on activities and use of manipulatives are utilized for developing students' concrete understanding before progressing to more symbolic and abstract representations of math.

Student goals for mathematics:

-Develop mathematical process skills to promote mathematical discourse and enhance understanding and facilitate application of mathematical content in everyday situations.
-Develop a strong sense of number and its application in real world settings.
-Explore, develop, understand, and apply fundamentals of spatial sense and reasoning and related measurements in everyday context.
-Read, understand, construct, analyze and explain representation of data and probability statistics collected from real experiments or everyday phenomena.
-Use concepts of algebraic reasoning to identify patterns, solve problems and equations, and connect algebra to real life experiences.
-Make sound decisions about when to use technology and mathematical tools to pose or solve problems.
-Develop an understanding and apply the standards for mathematical practices.

Family Math Nights are often held during the school year.

The ultimate goal of the technology curriculum is to maintain digital learning environments in all of our classrooms across the district. The instructional program is designed to facilitate student learning and to encourage the authentic integration and application of technology both in and out of the classroom. Classrooms are equipped with an ActivBoard/Panels or some other related interactive device that is utilized to enhance instruction and make learning more hands-on.  In the primary grades, each class has a minimum of five devices: iPads in PK-1 and iPads/Chromebooks in grade two. Upper elementary classrooms, have assigned Chromebooks for each student within a class. devices for each student in the class.  At the middle school level, each student is provided a district-issued Chromebook to utilize throughout the school day during their grade six to eight years.  This device travels with them during their day and is stored for charging at the end of each day.

Student goals for technology:

-Explore, evaluate, and accomplish real world tasks independently and collaboratively.
-Use a variety of digital tools and technologies to extend understanding, investigate new information and assimilate knowledge in various contexts including problem solving.
-Critically examine tools and applications to promote computational thinking and effective communication.
-Regulate the impact of their digital footprint.
-Demonstrate responsible behaviors in the use of technological resources.
-Express individual creativity.

Click here to be directed to various web resources for students.
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